THE HEALING POWER OF LOVE: Transcending the Loss of a Spouse to New Love
By Gloria Lintermans & Marilyn Stolzman, Ph.D., L.M.F.T.
"Co-authored by Gloria Lintermans and Marilyn Stolzman, THE HEALING POWER OF LOVE: Transcending The Loss Of A Spouse To New Love is a sensitive guide through difficulties often associated with losing one love and eventually gaining another. Deftly compiling twelve inspirational stories about new and loving relationships following the loss of a beloved spouse or partner, The Healing Power Of Love provides readers with the power of transition and a gentle guidance to finding and fully loving another as illustrated by heartwarming intimacy, situational assessment, and life-affirming truths helping to realize our emotional self-fulfillment. The Healing Power Of Love is very strongly recommended for its intimate and exemplary stories illustrating how a new love can heal the painful loss of an old one. Also very highly recommended from Gloria Lintermans and Marilyn Stolzman is THE HEALING POWER OF GRIEF: The Journey Through Loss to Life and Laughter (1932783-482, $16.00, Sourcebooks, Inc.)"
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief, Midwest Book Review, BOOKWATCH
"Through its honesty, wisdom and real-life stories, the book helps readers make the journey to new love. An excellent book, too, for family and friends of the bereaved."
Eleanore Osborne,
Daytona Beach News-Journal
"Gloria and Marilyn have written and compiled a book filled with the personal accounts of others who are in loving relationships once again after grieving the loss of a spouse. I wish I could have found this uplifting and validating resource, which reads like a best-selling novel, when I was grieving my own spouse."
Pamela D. Blair, Ph.D., psychotherapist, author of The Next Fifty Years: A Guide for Women at Midlife and Beyond; co-author of I Wasn’t Ready to Say Goodbye
"What a wonderful companion book to The Healing Power of Grief. The Healing Power of Love takes that next step as people proceed through their grief at the loss of a spouse or significant other. The book is life affirming and upbeat. The anecdotes are extremely helpful as we welcome new people into our lives and into our families."
Mark Friedman, CEO, Hillside Memorial Park and Mortuary, Los Angeles, CA.
"When the grief and mourning at the loss of a spouse begins to ebb, many people do not know how to deal with the problems of forming new relationships. Professional writer Lintermans and grief counsellor Stolzman (The Healing Power of Grief) have joined together again to present the stories of twelve new and loving relationships. The problems and pitfalls are not disguised and the stories are honestly told. The book is affirming of both life and love and would be very helpful to someone coming out of mourning who feels the need for a meaningful relationship in their life."
Roger Woodruff, Director of Palliative Care, Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia, (February 2007)
"The Healing Power of Love is a companion book to The Healing Power of Grief. It is a collection of stories about new loving relationships after the death of a spouse or partner. Some of the stories write about the overlapping of grief and new loving. There is a chapter for each of the twelve couples, the story of their loss, their experience, or not, of attending a grief support group and the story of their new relationship and family reactions. Each chapter begins with a thought provoking quote e.g. Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit (Kahlil Gibran, The Vision) and concludes with comments by the new couple and Reflections from Marilyn Stolzman.
As with The Healing Power of Grief, this book could be helpful for someone who has experienced the death of a partner/spouse and/or a grief counsellor and working with someone who is wondering about or experiencing a new love relationship. As one of the couples says, be careful not to avoid grief work by being distracted with a new relationship, you have to have healed enough to be able to become emotionally vulnerable again."
Sally Latham MNZAC, COUNSELLING TODAY, Newsletter of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors, June 2007
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To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven. -Karen Sunde
THE HEALING POWER OF LOVE: Transcending the Loss of a Spouse to New Love is a collection of twenty-four beautifully and honestly told, uplifting and inspirational stories of new, loving relationships following the loss of a spouse or partner, an inspiration to the over 15 million widows and widowers in the U.S., as well as the additional millions of surviving partners from non-traditional relationships. While there are dozens of books in the marketplace on grieving the loss of a spouse, many of which are highly successful, none address the vitally important next step, the overlap of grieving and loving as a satisfying new lifestyle unfolds through a committed, new loving relationship.
THE HEALING POWER OF LOVE is presented in a simple format—twelve chapters, one chapter for each couple—yet the subject is complex, an emotionally charged, multi-layered one due to the often ongoing grief felt over the loss of a spouse while, at the same time, falling in love all over again. Chapter-by-chapter, twelve couples, twenty-four men and women, widows and widowers of all ages, from all walks of life and situations, share—in their own words— stories of their life-affirming, new loving relationships and the road they each traveled in order to realize them.
Each of the twelve chapters begins with an introduction to the couple, a sharing of their experience, from both the male and female perspectives, and concludes with thought-provoking, comments from Marilyn Stolzman, Ph.D., L.M.F.T, a highly respected practicing psychotherapist specializing in grief counseling, a popular lecturer, and the Director of H.O.P.E. Unit Foundation for Bereavement and Transition, a Los Angeles-based, ongoing bereavement support organization.
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. - David Viscott
THE HEALING POWER OF LOVE is about hope and renewal.. While there are numerous books available on the grieving process following the loss of a spouse, none go on to explore the upbeat, life-affirming action of falling in love again and going on to rebuild a new, wonderful life.
Love is, above all else, the gift of oneself. - Jean Anouilk (1910 – 1987)
Each story will be told from both a male and female perspective and will include:
Authors Marilyn Stolzman, Ph.D., L.M.F.T., and Gloria Lintermans have come together once again after co-authoring THE HEALING POWER OF GRIEF: The Journey Through Loss to Life and Laughter (Sourcebooks, Inc.) to create this book after earning their bereavement accreditations worlds apart—Dr. Stolzman by way of her professional training and work as a professional counselor specializing in bereavement and, and Lintermans, who has mourned, healed and recovered following the death of her husband. Together they explore and reveal the secrets to creating new, loving relationships following the loss of a spouse.
Age does not protect you from love.
But love, to some extent,
protects you from age.
- Jeanne Moreau, Actress
"The Healing Power of Love" was written to help widows and widowers to move on from their grief into whole, loving relationships. The book is written in a way that imparts warmth and compassion. Each chapter is written about a couple and how either one or both of them transcended the loss of a spouse and entered into the new relationship. In some cases, the couples already knew each other and in others they met after the losses. Each person in the relationship tells their stories from their points of view. For the most part, each partner tells what it is like to transcend the devastating grief that comes with losing a spouse of many years. In other parts, the new spouse tells what it is like to marry into a family and have to learn to be accepted by the children; even if they are adults, it is not easy. Both offer advice on how to cope. Then the counselor reflects on the couple as a whole and writes about the advice that is offered.
Many couples also discuss issues with sex. For the spouses who had spent more than half their life with one person, it is not easy to be intimate in this way with another person. It seems like the couples that openly discussed their fears and concerns were able to overcome their concerns easier. I really appreciated that the people who shared their stories were so open about discussing this issue. For many people who are uncomfortable about discussing sex with others, this is a great place to learn about other people's experiences. It is a very personal, yet important issue because your sexuality and need for intimacy does not die with your spouse.
Bereavement support groups were also beneficial for many. For some people, it was a way to connect with others and be able to share the devastating grief that you go through when you have lost someone. It is also important to allow yourself time to grieve and to heal. Some people mentioned in the book tried to start dating before they were ready. It is okay to take time to heal. Some of the people who shared their stories acknowledged that they still continued to grieve for their spouses after the new relationships started. Having a new love helped them with their healing.
This is an incredibly powerful book for helping someone who has lost a spouse to move on. If you have lost a spouse and are at the point where you would like to start dating again, this is the book for you. It will fill you with hope that there can be another healthy relationship for you. One of the common themes that I saw mentioned by many of the widowed people was that they had to get over feeling guilty about moving on. They discovered that having a new love did not take away from the love of their deceased.
I highly recommend "The Healing Power of Love" to people who have been widowed. I think that the adult children of widowed parents should also read this book to gain perspective on what their parent is going through. It also would be a great book to discuss in bereavement support groups."
Paige Lovitt for Reader Views,